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Prevention | Weather

Weather and storm warning services - what is the weather going to be like?

Before each trip, find out about the current and future weather forecast and seagoing conditions. Once you have set sail, you should continue to keep abreast of the weather conditions at all times. When planning your route, include possible days in port so that you are not under any time pressure.

Depending on the sailing area, there are now various ways of obtaining the shipping forecast: for many sailing enthusiasts, a walk to the harbour master’s office to get the latest weather data is still an obligatory part of their routine. In addition, Navtex, telephone/SMS, coastal radio and the Internet can also be used to access weather information. In recent years, modern digital solutions have also become increasingly popular. This involves downloading GRIB data, i.e. the electronic representation of the weather and tidal forecasts, via a PC or a mobile device and loading it directly into the on-board navigation programs. Here are some useful contacts when you are on a sailing trip:

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