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Frequently asked questions

Charter Insurance
  • Charter Insurance
  • Yacht Hull Insurance
  • Yacht Third Party Liability

We do everything to keep our products transparent and our service convenient. Sometimes, however, questions remain open. Here, we have put together the most frequently asked ones.

General Information

What time restrictions are there to bear in mind when booking a charter insurance?

The Deposit, Skipper Party Liability, Travel Health and Pesonal Accident insurance can be taken out or added up to the day of the contractual start of the charter trip.

The Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance can be taken out until the takeover of the boat if your charter contract was concluded within the last 21 days before the start of the charter trip.
In addition, the Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance can always be taken out up to 30 days before the start of the charter.

When does the insurance coverage come into effect?

The insurance cover begins:
- for the Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance, on the date stated in the policy
- for the Travel Health Insurance with the crossing of the border into the foreign country
- for the Personal Accident Insurance with the start of the travel
- for the Deposit and Skipper Liability Insurance with the start of the charter trip (takeover of the chartered boat / occupancy of the chartered cabin)

How long does the insurance coverage last?

The cover is valid for a voyage of a maximum of 60 days, including pre-booked overnight stays directly before or after the charter trip if those overnight stays have been insured in addition to the chartertrip. The cover of the Deposit and Skipper Third Party Liability Insurance is limited to the duration of the chartertrip.

When does the insurance expire?

Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance and Personal Accident insurance end with the end of the voyage.
For the Travel Health insurance, the cover ends with the end of the stay abroad.
The coverage for the deposit and skipper liability insurance ends with the termination of the booked charter trip (return of the chartered boat / leaving the chartered cabin).
Of course, each cover ends at the latest, with the expiry of the agreed insurance period.

Before taking out your insurance

Who can take out / not take out the insurance contract?

Charter insurance can only be taken out by an association (with no commercial use) and by natural persons who have their permanent residence in the European Union, Switzerland, Norway or Iceland. Persons with Italian residence can only take out insurance in Italian through Pantaenius GmbH in Monaco. Since Brexit, persons with permanent residence in the United Kingdom (UK) can unfortunately no longer take out our charter insurance, but can be an insured person.

If you would like to take out a contract for an association, please contact us.

Charter companies and charter agencies cannot take out charter insurance. However, paid skippers can be policyholders.

Who can be insured / not insured as skipper or crew?

Only persons who have their permanent residence in the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or the United Kingdom (UK) can be insured persons or the skipper under Trip Cancellation Cost, Travel Health and Personal Accident insurance.

For the Deposit and Skipper Liability Insurance, the domicile of the insured person is irrelevant.

We are more than 16 people taking part in the planned trip. Do we have to purchase an additional charter insurance?

A maximum of 16 persons per charter trip can be insured. It is not permitted to take out further insurance policies for one and the same charter trip. 

Please note that the maximum number of insured persons at any one time on board may never exceed 12. More than 12 persons can therefore only be insured if there is a crew change. Should more than 12 persons participate in the charter trip at the same time, only the first 12 named on the crew list are considered insured.

Our crew is not yet complete. Can we already take out our charter insurance?

Yes, you can make all additions, changes and deletions to the crew online in your LOGIN as soon as you become aware of them and thus update the crew list, but no later than one day before departure.

Is it possible to insure a cabin charter?

Yes, the cover is also valid for charter contracts when only a cabin is chartered and not the entire vessel. 

We have not rented the entire vessel, but only one or more cabins. What do we have to consider?

Actually there is nothing to consider, your insurance is valid whether you have booked the entire vessel or just one cabin.
However, you should check whether all the covers offered fit your trip and whether it makes sense to take them out. For example, if you are on the vessel as a crew member, the skipper's liability insurance would cover your activities as crew. 

Are visitors insured?

No, it is not possible to apply for insurance coverage for visitors.

Does the policy holder also have to be the skipper?

This is not necessary for private use. Only when insuring a paid skipper, the skipper must be the policyholder.

Does the policy holder have to be on board?

No the policy holder does not necessarily have to be a member of the crew.

Is a navigational license required to purchase charter insurance?

We require that the skipper has a licence if such licence is mandatory.

Can a paid skipper be insured?

Absolutely, but in this case the paid skipper has to be the policy holder and purchase the contract.

For which insurances is a crew list required?

The crew list is required if you wish to take out Trip Cancellation Costs Insurance, Travel Health Insurance or Personal Accident Insurance. Only the persons named on the crew list are insured.

What's included?

Are salvage costs included in the insurance?

Rescue costs of persons are covered up to € 50,000 under the Personal Accident Insurance. 

Is hotel accomodation covered before or after the voyage?

Costs for hotels, houses, apartments or comparable overnight stays are insured directly before and after the charter trip, provided you have requested coverage for these overnight stays and they are included in the duration for the total travel. Do not forget to include the relevant costs in the total for the Trip Cancellation Costs Insurance.

under the Skipper Liability Insurance, in the event of damage to the chartered vessel caused by the policyholder or an insured person, which makes the planned return trip during the charter period to the charter base or other final destination port impossible, proven costs for hotel and travel expenses to the agreed place of delivery of the boat will be reimbursed up to a total amount of EUR 1,000.

What happens if the skipper is unable to sail?

If the skipper becomes unavailable due to an event covered by the insurance, a full cancellation of the charter trip is insured. 

What happens if a crew member is unable to sail?

If one or more crew members are unavailable for insured reasons, the pro rata charter costs, as well as the cancellation costs incurred for the individual arrival and return journey and for the overnight stays in hotels, houses, flats or comparable booked directly afterwards before or after the charter trip are insured.

In the event of underinsurance, do we lose our right to claim under the Deposit Insurance?

No, Pantaenius waives the objection of underinsurance in the Deposit Insurance. Unlike most of our competitors, you can therefore determine the amount of the deposit you want to insure yourself within the limits of the sums we offer.

What is covered by the travel cancellation insurance?

In principle, the contractually agreed cancellation or withdrawal costs are insured up to a maximum of 100% of the charter trip and the associated arrival and departure by plane, train or bus.
If you wish, you can also insure the cancellation costs for accommodation booked directly before or after the charter trip (hotels, houses, apartments or similar). You must specify the extended travel dates accordingly when taking out the insurance and include their costs in the sum insured for the Trip Cancellation Costs Insurance.

What sum should we insure for travel cancellation insurance?

Add to the price of the charter (excluding running costs such as petrol, food, petty cash etc) the arrival and departure costs for each person to be insured.
To this amount, please add the costs for the overnight stays booked before or afterwards (hotel, holiday flat etc.), should you wish to insure these cancellation costs as well.

The total trip price (charter price plus costs for arrival and departure and any accommodation booked) exceeds EUR 40,000. Can we insure a higher sum?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. 40,000 EUR is the maximum sum insured for the Trip Cancellation Costs insurance. However, you can insure 40,000 EUR even if you have higher costs.

Can we insure against the booked cruise not taking place due to the insolvency of the charter company or agency?

Absolutely. In the event that the vessel you have booked is not available due to such an insolvency, you can take out optional cover in the Trip Cancellation Costs Insurance. There is a deductible of 10% of the claimed amount.

Is it possible to insure the excess/deductible required by the charter company for damage to the chartered boat in addition to the deposit?

Yes, add the amount of the deposit listed in the charter contract to the excess also listed there, this amount is then the maximum amount of cover that you can insure in the deposit insurance.

After taking out your insurance

Can we cancel our charter insurance?

You may withdraw the contract within 14 days with no explanation required (i.e. via letter, fax, or e-mail). This is outlined in section six of the General customer Information.

Can we change our cover after purchase?

Individual parts of the cover cannot be cancelled or changed. The covers are combined with a modular system and form a unit.
You no longer want one particular cover after all? In this case, your charter insurance must be completely cancelled within 14 days of the initial purchase and taken out again.
If you have not taken out a cover (for example the Personal Accident Insurance) immediately, you can also take it out as a separate contract at a later date. Please be reminded that there are deadlines for taking out the Trip Cancellation Cost Insurance.

Can we still change the crew list during the voyage?

No. All additions, changes and deletions to the crew can only be made online in your LOGIN up to one day before departure.
Complete the crew list for your policy in full. Only crew members named on the list are considered to be insured.

We have purchased a charter insurance for 2-8 persons, but would like to increase the number?

Unfortunately, for technical reasons, it is not possible to change the contracts either online or offline. You must conclude and also pay for the complete insurance contract again identically with all originally selected coverages and of course with the corrected number of persons. Once the new contract has been concluded, it is essential that you inform Pantaenius in writing about the change and the second purchase so that we can cancel the original contract and reimburse the policyholder by transfer to her/his bank account for the premium initially paid. A refund on the credit card used for payment is not possible.


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