Pantaenius Kontor

* Pantaenius UK Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Authorised No.308688)

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Sea Transportation Insurance

Sailing and motor yachts are at risk during transport on board a freighter or container ship and adequate transport insurance is recommended. Pantaenius Sea Transport Insurance covers risks including the dangers involved with loading and unloading. This all-risk cover also includes salvage and wreck removal costs and insurance protection against political risks such as war, strike and terrorism.

Your benefits

No demarcation problems in the event of damage

It can be difficult to know whether damage is covered by transport or hull insurance.  If you decide to take both covers from Pantaenius you will be covered in both circumstances.

Your own Pantaenius Sea Transportation Insurance representative

You will have your own Pantaenius Sea Transportation Insurance representative who will see your claim through and protect your interests and priorities concerning your yacht insurance claim.

Important contacts

Thanks to over 50 years yacht insurance experience, Pantaenius provides you with important contacts with transport companies.

Worldwide Loading Checks

Loading checks can be requested.

Get in touch
Your Pantaenius Crew

Do you have any further questions? Our dedicated staff is happy to advise you in all insurance related matters. Whether you need a quote to insure your yacht or more information on our products, we are at your service!

Pantaenius - en pålitlig partner
Hur viktigt är trygghet samt lugn och ro..

erfarenhet garanterar bästa tänkbara service och skadehantering när den behövs som mest.


har redan valt Pantaenius, välkommen du också!


vårt nätverk med 35 000 specialister hjälper oss att serva våra kunder både lokalt och jorden runt