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Yacht Crew Medical Insurance

Pantaenius Yacht Crew Medical Insurance covers medical treatment costs for your paid crew in the event of illness or accident. There are two medical expenses products available, the Premier Plan and the Basic Plan.

Both the BASIC and PREMIER plans include a wide range of benefits


24/7 Service

The insurer operates worldwide and offers a quick, flexible, dependable and multilingual claims service around the clock.


Coverage applies to paid crew on board and while ashore

Coverage applies to paid crew on board the yacht and while ashore, whether at work or off duty.


No waiting periods

With the exception of Income Protection cover there are no waiting periods to qualify for covered benefits.


No declaration required

No medical history required.

Further benefits

more detailsless details
Evacuation and repatriation
Oncology, chemotherapy and repatriation
Dental expenses
High limits
Organ transplantation
Out of area

Evacuation and repatriation

Costs for evacuation and repatriation, to nearest place of treatment, are fully covered.


Dental expenses

Emergency and routine dental treatment are covered, up to the limits specified for each plan.


Organ transplantation

All costs incurred in respect of an organ transplantation are fully covered. 


Oncology, chemotherapy and repatriation

Hospital charges for tests and drugs that are related specifically to the treatment of malignant disease (cancer) are fully covered. 


High limits

Very high maximum sum insured of £1,500,000 available under Premier Plan.


Out of area

Out of area cover is available outside the selected geographical area for a maximum aggregate period of 6 weeks. 

Yacht Crew Medical Insurance: Flexible Solutions from Pantaenius

The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) sets out the rights of seafarers and the responsibilities of their employers around the vessel. Pantaenius offers a comprehensive range of insurance solutions for those yacht owners who employ a paid crew including a dedicated Crew Medical Insurance policy designed for employed crew requiring international health insurance. You can choose between two levels of marine cover:

Crew Premier Plan or Crew Basic Plan

Crew Premier Plan

The Crew Premier Plan is suitable as medical insurance for your permanent yacht crew providing an extensive table of benefits. Pre-existing and chronic conditions are covered. Sick pay can be insured either for the captain alone, or for the entire crew. You can select from a range of daily payments, and the longer you defer the start date of payments the lower the additional premium will be.


Crew Basic Plan

The Crew Basic Plan is a streamlined version of the Premier Plan. This plan is a very attractive benefit for your yacht oder superyacht crew and of course the premium is reduced making it a very attractive option for the owner, too. Please contact us for further details we will be happy to discuss your individual insurance requirements!

Get in touch
Your Pantaenius Crew

Do you have any questions? If so, our dedicated staff are happy to help. Whether you would like a quotation for your boat insurance or more information on our yacht crew medical insurance or our other products, we are at your service!

Emma Batson
Harry Chapman
Andy Crick
Kirsty McCurdy
Fiona McCracken
Rosanna Muscat
Nicola Symons
+44 1752 22 36 56

Monday to Friday, 9:00 until 17:00

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